- My plans did not work in with his .
- 我的计划跟他的计划不协调。
- Our plan didn 't work in with theirs very well .
- 我们的计划和他们的计划配合得不太好。
- How does this work in with the lesson schedule ?
- 怎么可能加得进日程?
- She soon became bored with lab work instead falling in love with the burgeoning field of web technology .
- 她很快对实验室的工作厌倦了,相反,她爱上了发展迅速的网络科技领域。
- In angola where tens of thousands of chinese are at work most are housed in compounds with tight security .
- 在安哥拉,数万名中国人在那里工作,其中多数人都住在严密保安的营地里。
- Stronger international co-operation ( or global governance ) is needed to make this work in tandem with open markets abroad .
- 要让这与海外开放市场联合起来,则必须加强国际合作(或全球治理)。
- Delivery extensions work in conjunction with subscriptions .
- 传递扩展插件可以与订阅协同工作。
- The washington teachers union says impact unfairly hurts teachers who work in schools with high rates of poverty .
- 华盛顿教师工会表示impact对那些在贫苦率高的学校工作的教师不公平。
- They will be intelligent able to understand the data they collect and work both autonomously and in concert with each other .
- 技术将具备智能,能够理解他们所收集的信息的含义,既能自主工作又能与其他技术协同配合。
- Even professionals have to work in tandem with another simultaneous interpreter .
- 就算是专业人士也要和另一名同声传译员进行合作。